Gentle Hatha Yoga & Meditation
Small Group Sessions
Service Description
This is a wonderful small group session lasting around 75 minutes for any body type. We begin with a little introduction and a cup of herbal tea, which I prepare from fresh ingredients. We then relax into the present moment, calming our nervous system down with a breathing exercise, also taking a moment to set an intention for the practice. This is followed by a gentle warm up of all joints (Pawanmuktasana Series from traditional text), moving into the main hatha yoga postures - very slowly and gently focusing on our alignment and using any necessary props, wall or chair for support, comfort and stability. We then move down into supine postures and finishing our session in Savasana, which is lying down comfortably on your mat, ready for some relaxation/meditation time. Alternatively clients are welcome to use a chair or any other meditative posture. I invite participants to bring a blanket or a cosy jumper to cover up during the relaxation. Comfort of our body is needed for the mind to relax. To book please message me on 07724632178. I welcome you with pure love and light.